Award-winning graduate student in MSU Forestry

Award-winning graduate student in MSU Forestry

Brown was recently awarded the Graduate Student Emerging Leader Scholarship by the MSU Black Faculty, Staff, and Administrators Association (BFSAA).

Adept at Adapting

If there’s one thing Alejandro Jimenez excels at it’s his ability to adapt. From moving to the United States to being the ...

Christien Russell Ph.D. is Aiding in Eliminating Barriers for Minorities Through Inclusive Leadership

The most important elements of acquiring professional real estate are Networking, Networking, Networking. As a woman and a ...

Nathaniel Jackson: Shining Under the Spotlight

Lights, camera, action is an old phrase used to cue members of a film crew at the beginning of a new take. However, ...

Dr. Magee: A Man of Many Firsts

Knowledge is not power; the application of Knowledge is power. Graveyards are filled with people who had knowledge but did ...